Code Alchemist

KageKirin's Dev Blog

Opening Post

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tl;dr I hereby declare this blog opened!

Since my old WP blog died of (wilfull) neglect at least 2 years ago, I am starting a new one, and will try to keep it updated regularly. (I don’t promise anything, though). My old blog was a more a mixture of political stuff, life blog, and coding, and also written in several languages, meaning that each post was a lot of extra work translating it. This time, I’ll keep it easy and blog only about coding stuff, and only in English.

What coding stuff? (There’s a lot that would merit to be talked about).
Since I’m a graphics programmer, there will be posts about graphics programming, i.e. shaders, graphics algorithms.
But I will also cover more general programming, be it with subjects like refactoring, “dark magic” programming (the arcanes of mixing languages that should better not be mixed — more on that later), programming languages, etc.
Also, I plan to write about my learning of C# with Unity3D.
And since I’m currently rediscovering a lot of web programming that I just saw passing by in the last years, I will write about that as well.

So far, for what I plan to blog about, but I will write a more specific post with some ideas later.

